Realm of Ethos

Explore the next generation coupling of hardwares and applications

Multi-Universe 50GRAMX Networks

With Power, Comes Responsibilities.

With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibilities.

  1. Your country of residence is your 50GRAMx Universe

  2. Your comply to your Information and Technologies Laws as per your country

  3. Your private digital future starts with taking responsibilities.

Clouds of 50GRAMx Galaxies

Any 50GMx machines hosted in any 50GRAMx Universe, represents a 50GRAMx Galaxy in that particular 50GRAMx Universe.

  1. All processing of your information takes places in your 50GRAMx Galaxy.

  2. Your power to process information faster depends on the aggregated computing power of your 50GRAMx Galaxy.

  3. Your information is processed in your machines, or your friend's or acquaintances machines.

  4. You can create your own Ethos Galaxy, or share friend's & acquaintances 50GRAMx Galaxy.

Your Ethos Space

It's your digital space, this hand-rail should steady us when we lose our balance or stumble, help us get up the mountain when the going is rough and steep, and help us keep our footing and perhaps even slow down, when we’re going downhill with the wind at our back.

  1. First step to the future of the internet with 50GRAMx.

  2. For the very first time, you control your digital space.

  3. It's "your" planet in this mesh of planets spread across galaxies.

  4. This is where "it" begins.

Assistive Ethos Domains

You can launch ethos domains conversationally, bring life to your ideas, informations and things.

  1. Take Informed Decisions with Ethos Open Knowledge

  2. "Your" Planet and where is "it"?

  3. 7836, Wait.. What?

  4. Future is exciting!

My. Identity. Is. You.

Your Ethos Identity (your planet, your space) gives rise to your assistant to conversely assist you in any language.

  • Discover. Share. Pages.

  • Buy. Sell. No Clicks.

  • Do. Get. Work. 24/7.